Summit CPD, Training Experiences, and Knowledge Shares
Take the Summit L.E.A.D. - Learning, Exploration, Aspiration and Development.
CPD Experiences and Training Offers
Summit is proud to offer a range of creative, quality-assured, certified training, and professional development experiences for schools, children’s services, and supporting professionals. We offer a range of options from short, collaborative knowledge sessions, such as ‘Talk Abouts’ and through to intensive certified training courses.
As therapists and practitioner psychologists, the Summit team takes a strong interest in social, emotional, and mental health needs (SEMH) with most of our CPD and Training firmly rooted in the fields of attachment theory, the neuroscience of trauma, the complexities and impact of stress on the body and mind, understanding behavioural and survival responses, loss, relational poverty, ACE’s, and why we all need relational care. We are also deeply interested in the power of language, the stories we tell about ourselves and each other, the meaning we make from our experiences, how those experiences can shape our identity, and exploring alternatives to pathologising distress and emotional pain. Summit was founded on, and has deep roots in Child and Educational Psychology. We therefore have a very strong professional interest in the learning and development of children and young people, and how educational experiences can be impacted by relational and developmental trauma.
What Training Do We Provide?
Summit draws from a wide evidence-base across the many fields of psychology, its related disciplines, therapy and therapeutic approaches, and a wealth of applied practice experiences. Our training methods are varied and incorporate lecture style, reflective conversations, the use of media, and practical elements to name a few.
We offer a range of core courses available for immediate booking, alongside options for our new training that will commence once fully enrolled. We love to collaborate and can tailor bespoke CPD events to suit your needs. Based in Staffordshire, we regularly host training sessions and CPD events at ‘The Sanctuary,’ our dedicated space in Newcastle-Under-Lyme. We also partner with venues across the region and are flexible in delivering training both in-person and virtually. Please contact us to arrange a convenient time to discuss your training needs and CPD events.

What Training Do We Provide?
We constantly are hosting new training events throughout the year, check them out below:

Two Immersive Virtual Days on Relational and Developmental Trauma
Dr Karen Treisman MBE
5th & 6th Nov. 2024
9.30AM - 4.30PM
This two-day immersive, virtual CPD training experience offers an abundance of learning around the multi-layered impact of trauma, neglect, violence, abuse, toxic stress, and disrupted attachment on children, adolescents, and their surrounding adults.

The Scene and the Unseen
This is a unique collaboration with Geese Theatre, bringing a truly memorable, one-of-a-kind CPD day. The Scene and the Unseen is a CPD experience that seamlessly blends theatre and theory together. It is a must-see production if you are seeking a deeper understanding and insight into the lived experiences of children and young people who have, or continue to, experience adversity and who may have a social worker. We also offer a post-16 production for professionals seeking a deeper understanding of the challenges of young people leaving care and moving into further education.
Who We Work With
Summit works with a diverse range of educational communities, including mainstream schools, specialist and alternative SEMH (Social, Emotional, and Mental Health) provisions, short-stay schools, and schools supporting children and young people with medical and mental health needs. We also collaborate with multi-academy trusts (MATs) and local authorities to support the unique challenges that arise in various educational settings. Our training and supervision extends across Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Stoke-on-Trent, Cheshire, and the surrounding areas.

The Benefits of The Scene and the Unseen
The Scene and the Unseen is a unique collaboration offering a dynamic fusion of theatre and theory. You will gain invaluable insights from the theatre scenes performed, supported by theoretical perspectives applied from the fields of psychology, trauma research, neuropsychology, and trauma therapy. These perspectives are woven through the live interactive theatre.
This multidimensional approach to CPD offers a fresh perspective on behaviours you may encounter. The Scene and the Unseen explores attachment injuries and trauma wounds that children and young people may have experienced or are still experiencing. We explore how children and young people navigate painful and disconnected family dynamics, and how their relational needs may present in various contexts.
The Scene and The Unseen can be tailored for professionals who work with children in specific age groups or specific roles, such as Designated Teachers for Looked After Children or Safeguarding Leads. The interactive theatre is presented alongside theory, offering interpretation, reframing, and exploration of fictional characters’ behaviours, their functions, and the child or young person’s unmet needs.

What To Expect
Dr. Bradley shares and explains some of the lenses through which we can look, that would support attachment injuries, trauma wounds, and relational recovery. Engage next with an interactive performance from Geese Theatre, delving into the stories of teachers, professionals, parents, and children who have faced trauma, have unmet attachment or relational care needs, and who are known to social care. Dr. Bradley will revisit some of the scenes with Geese Theatre, highlighting pivotal moments that offer deeper insights based on the lens through which we observe them.
To discuss your thoughts and ideas for a truly inspiring day, please contact us to explore hosting this event and discuss your requirements.

Excellent ELSA Training
For more than 20 years, evidence-based research has shown that children, young people, educational communities, and families consistently benefit from the support provided by Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs). Now, more than ever, we understand the impact of adversities that children and young people face in the 21st Century. Our Excellent ELSA training ensures that educational communities are equipped to support the emotional, social, and psychological needs of children and young people from within their own settings.
Summit Psychology Services introduced ELSA to Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent in 2017 and has been dedicated to training ELSAs since 2018. Over time, our training has evolved into our specialised “Excellent ELSA” programme, reflecting the complex needs of modern educational environments. This programme provides a higher level of training and supervision to support children and young people with complex histories, ensuring their wellbeing and emotional literacy are nurtured in a trusted, familiar environment.
Who We Work With
Summit works with a diverse range of educational communities, including mainstream schools, specialist and alternative SEMH (Social, Emotional, and Mental Health) provisions, short-stay schools, and schools supporting children and young people with medical and mental health needs. We also collaborate with multi-academy trusts (MATs) and local authorities to support the unique challenges that arise in various educational settings. Our training and supervision extends across Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Stoke-on-Trent, Cheshire, and the surrounding areas.

The Benefits of Training as an Excellent ELSA
Excellent ELSAs offer bespoke support to children and young people, helping them overcome challenges, build resilience, and develop key emotional and social skills. Because Excellent ELSAs are embedded in the school community, they are able to establish deep, trusting relationships with the children and young people they support. This relationship-based approach, combined with thorough training, equips Excellent ELSAs with the tools they need to make a meaningful impact on young lives.
Our commitment to excellent standards is reflected in the consistently positive feedback from headteachers, senior leadership teams (SLTs), and trainees. We are proud to have been awarded the ELSA Quality Mark every year since it was introduced in 2021.

What To Expect
Summit’s Excellent ELSA training is a core offer of a minimum six days and includes practical training and supervision. Training days are spaced over several months, a structure which allows trainees to apply the skills and knowledge they acquire, step by step, in their school setting. Training content covers a wide range of areas, including attachment, trauma-informed practice, building resilience, supporting social inclusion, therapeutic story work, and more. Additional days of training can be added for those wishing to deepen their knowledge, such as Attachment and Trauma Informed Practice and Emotion Coaching.
Trainees receive extensive resources, supervision during training, and access to our supportive community of Excellent ELSAs. After training, Excellent ELSAs continue to receive regular supervision to maintain their accreditation and ensure they can effectively meet the national standards of practice.
Our training cohort is intentionally small in number to ensure that each trainee receives personalised support. We believe in developing more than just practical skills; we are committed to the personal and professional growth of each Excellent ELSA, helping them to make a meaningful and lasting impact on the children and young people they support.

Emotion Coaching (UK)
Summit Psychology Services is dedicated to offering Emotion Coaching training to support the emotional literacy and resilience of children and young people. Originally developed by Dr. John Gottman and expanded by Emotion Coaching UK, this compassionate approach focuses on co-regulating emotions through empathy, attunement, and gentle guidance. By helping children understand and manage their emotions, we nurture their ability to build resilience, self-regulation, and stronger relationships. Emotion Coaching has a strong evidence base and is integrated into many of our training offers, including our nationally accredited Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) training.
Who We Work With
We collaborate with a wide range of educational and care communities, including schools, multi-academy trusts (MATs), residential care teams, children and families services, specialist SEMH provisions, and youth justice teams. Our training benefits professionals who work closely with children and young people, offering them the tools to create nurturing environments where emotions are understood and supported.

The Benefits of Emotion Coaching
Emotion Coaching empowers professionals to guide children and young people through emotional challenges with empathy and sensitivity, building trust and emotional resilience. By attending this training, participants will learn to support children’s emotional journeys in ways that strengthen relationships, promote well-being, and encourage positive emotional and social development. Emotion Coaching also equips professionals to become champions of emotional literacy, helping to cultivate a nurturing atmosphere within their educational or care setting. For organisations seeking deeper integration, our Train the Trainer programmes provide the opportunity to embed Emotion Coaching into everyday practice, ensuring sustainable emotional support for children and young people.

What To Expect
In our Emotion Coaching training sessions, which are available in full-day practitioner, or two-day train the trainer formats, participants will explore how to recognise and understand children’s emotions, using these experiences as opportunities for connection, learning, and growth. Through an in-depth exploration of the science behind emotions, participants will gain insight into how emotional experiences shape behaviours and well-being. The training offers practical, reflective opportunities to practise Emotion Coaching techniques, equipping professionals with the skills to help children and young people express their emotions in healthy and constructive ways. Additionally, participants will learn practical strategies to support emotional regulation, resilience, and pro-social behaviour, developing a sense of connection and understanding within their settings. This nurturing and reflective training experience provides actionable tools that support children’s emotional development, ensuring they feel understood, valued, validated, and connected.

Polyvagal Theory: The Science Of Safety And Connection©
Polyvagal Theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, revolutionises how we understand the body’s response to safety, connection, and threat. This one day event focuses on the autonomic nervous system, explaining how our bodies are wired to seek connection and respond to threat and perceived danger. By understanding the role of the vagus nerve in regulating these responses, we can create environments that support experiences of connection and safety. This theory underpins therapeutic and educational approaches that help individuals transition from survival states to social engagement, promoting emotional and physical well-being.
Who We Work With
Summit Psychology Services delivers Polyvagal Theory training to a range of professionals, including those in education, health care, child and family services, and residential care teams. Our training is particularly beneficial for those working with children and adults who have experienced trauma, attachment disruptions, and other forms of adversity. We collaborate with schools, multi-academy trusts (MATs), and practitioners in social and emotional well-being roles to apply the science of safety and connection in their practice.

The Benefits of Polyvagal Theory
Attendees will gain a deep understanding of Polyvagal Theory and its practical application. You will learn how to understand signs of dysregulation in the autonomic nervous system and strategies to restore balance. By attending this event, you will gain insight into creating safer, more nurturing environments that promote connection and relational safety. This training equips professionals with the tools to co-regulate with those in their care, build resilience, and transform experiences of stress and trauma into opportunities for growth and well-being.

What To Expect
Throughout the training, participants will explore the autonomic nervous system and the vagus nerve’s role in regulating emotions and social behaviours. You will learn how to identify and respond to states of fight, flight, freeze, and social engagement, while understanding the physiological impact of trauma and stress on the body. The course will also offer practical tools to support individuals in shifting from survival states to states of connection and calm, utilising techniques such as breathing exercises, sensory engagement, and co-regulation strategies. This immersive training offers both theoretical insights and hands-on techniques, helping you apply Polyvagal Theory in your professional practice to support safety, connection, and inclusion.
To find out more and register your interest, please contact us.

NurturED Series©
Our NurturED series is a comprehensive offer of Trauma-Informed and Attachment-Aware Training and CPD events. It is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills for recognizing, realising, and responding to childhood developmental trauma(s), adversity, and relational loss. The series explores, through a number of lenses, how we can relationally support vulnerable children and young people who may have a social worker. Our training is drawn from a range of psychology and related disciplines and is rooted in evidence-based practices and contemporary research. It is delivered by highly experienced specialist psychologists and trauma-focused therapists.
Who We Work With
The NurturED series has been researched, developed, and designed by Summit, for professionals working with children and young people who have experienced relational and developmental trauma, adversity, relational poverty, and loss. We collaborate with Virtual Schools, Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs), individual schools, alternative educational communities, Children and Families Services, Residential and Youth Justice teams. This training is especially valuable for schools following a Trauma-Infused, Attachment-Aware (TIAA) pathway, including members of the Attachment Research Community (ARC) seeking to align their practices with evidence-based, trauma-sensitive approaches.

The Benefits of NurturED Series©
Booking the NurturED series offers transformative training that seamlessly integrates trauma, attachment, and neuropsychology research with practical applications at the more advanced levels. Professionals can gain essential core knowledge to realise and recognise the complex impact of relational and developmental trauma, the importance of secure attachments, and sensitive responses that avoid retraumatisation. NurturED training also supports systemic change, enhances staff resilience, and helps create environments where children feel safe, valued, and included.

What To Expect
NurturED is modular, with each module having its own focus and distinct content, yet remaining integrated under the primary focus of the four R’s of trauma. NurturED is offered at various levels, from the foundational, to more advanced knowledge and skills. It includes core offers in each of the following areas, and which can be blended with other modules, tailored to your needs, and adjusted depending on prior knowledge and skills.
Trauma and Traumatic Experiences – “Understanding Trauma: Pathways to Awareness and Support”
Attachment Theory – “Building Connection: Insights from Attachment Theory”
Neuroplasticity and Trauma – “Neuroplasticity and Nurture: Healing Through Change”
Narratives of the Self and Internal Working Models – “Sculpting Stories of the Future”
Working with and Relating to ‘Big Feelings’ – “Big Feelings, Brave Hearts: Navigating Emotional Depths”
Recovery and Resilience – “Building Strength: Recovery and Resilience for Children and Young People”
Support for Self-Care – “Sustaining Strength: Self-Care for Caregivers”

Parenting a Child who has Been Sexually Abused
This nurturing and supportive skills development course is designed to help caregivers provide effective care for children who have been sexually abused. The evidence based (BAAF) course is founded on the belief that children can recover from their traumatic experiences in a family environment where caregivers are actively engaged in supporting their healing journey. This programme equips caregivers with essential knowledge and practical skills to create a safe, compassionate space for children who have experienced sexual abuse, while also nurturing the caregivers’ own well-being.
Who We Work With
We collaborate with professionals in child and family services to ensure caregivers are supported throughout the training process, as this course is specifically intended for caregivers who are currently caring for a child or young person who has been, or is suspected to have been, sexually abused. All primary caregivers in a partnership are required to attend to ensure full involvement and equal participation. The course is designed to promote the recovery of children within stable placements, so we ask that placements be considered stable for at least three months. Pre-course meetings between caregivers, social workers, and trainers are encouraged to align support and goals.

The Benefits of Parenting a Child who has Been Sexually Abused
Attending this course provides caregivers with the knowledge and skills needed to better understand and care for children who have been sexually abused. You will gain insights into the effects of trauma on children’s behaviour and development, as well as how to create an environment of “safe caring” within your home. Caregivers will develop practical strategies to support a child’s emotional recovery and development, while also learning essential self-care techniques to protect their own well-being.
This course also addresses anti-discriminatory practice issues, supporting an understanding of how racism, gender, and sexual identity may intersect with trauma, helping caregivers develop sensitivity and awareness in these areas.

What To Expect
The course consists of six sessions, each lasting three hours. Sessions are spaced out to allow for reflection and the application of learning in a real-life setting, with time between sessions varying from one week to a month depending on the stage of the course. Each session builds on the previous one, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the issues involved in caring for a child who has been sexually abused. Throughout the programme, caregivers will be given “homework” tasks to apply directly to their current family situation. The group size will typically focus on 6-8 children, with a maximum of up to 16 adults, ensuring an intimate and supportive learning environment.
The course is facilitated by two trainers from Summit, each bringing a different discipline and a wealth of expertise. Through interactive discussions, practical tasks, and expert guidance, caregivers will explore the impact of trauma and abuse, safe caring practices, and the importance of acknowledging the child’s experiences. In addition, you will develop practical strategies for supporting your own well-being and self-care as you support the healing of the child in your care.

Supporting Stories of Connection: Unpacking the Past, Embracing the Present
“It doesn’t matter who you are as long as somebody loves you.” – Roald Dahl, The Witches
This new three day CPD series is for professionals working with children and young people who have experienced significant adversity. Designed to nurture healing and growth, this training offers practical tools and compassionate strategies to support resilience, strengthen self-efficacy, and explore the power of language in creating nurturing, relational environments. This CPD is especially valuable for those with experience in mental health and safeguarding roles, and others dedicated to supporting vulnerable children.
Who We Work With
This CPD is ideal for professionals across educational and care settings, including mental health leads, safeguarding leads, designated teachers, and residential care teams. It supports those who work closely with vulnerable children and young people, helping them build safer, more supportive environments that prioritise relational connection and emotional well-being.

The Benefits of Supporting Stories of Connection
Attendees will develop a deep understanding of trauma, attachment, and resilience, gaining the skills needed to nurture emotional healing and promote well-being. This training emphasises relationship-building, the thoughtful use of language, and practical approaches to fostering safe, supportive environments for children to grow and thrive.

What To Expect
Throughout the training series, you will begin by reviewing resilience models, exploring how both adults and children develop protective factors. You’ll learn to nurture resilience in others, empowering children and young people to move from merely surviving to thriving. As you progress, you will gain a deeper understanding of the transformative power of language, discovering how to use words as tools for empowerment and healing while critically reflecting on how language can shape behaviour and support recovery through relationships. Further along, you will delve into the impact of shame on behaviour and the importance of building trust with both children and colleagues. You’ll explore ways to advocate for children and help them develop self-efficacy and competency across different areas of life. Finally, you will explore how schools can function as secure bases for children with trauma and attachment needs, learning how to embed relational care into your school’s culture to create an environment where children feel safe, supported, and able to thrive.
We will be aiming to offer this training programme from Spring 2025. To express your interest or learn more, please contact us.

Talk Abouts©
Summit introduced ‘Talk Abouts’ during Covid restrictions as a way of keeping practitioners and professionals connected on a virtual platform, to mitigate the experiences of isolation and being separated from each other, and to share and find solutions to presenting issues of the time. We took an overwhelming number of expressions of interest for these events, with practitioners and professionals identifying what they wanted to ‘Talk About’ during each 60-minute virtual session. Due to their success then and since, we will be taking expressions of interest to host these sessions once every 8 – 10 weeks from Spring 2025.
Who We Work With
These sessions will be open to all professionals and practitioners that support vulnerable children and young people, across all children and families services, MATs, schools, short stay schools, and residential care teams.

The Benefits of Talk Abouts©
Attending Talk Abouts offers a rich opportunity for professional development, allowing attendees to deepen their understanding of key issues and expand their knowledge through collective learning. Participants engage in facilitated discussions, enabling them to explore complex issues from multiple perspectives, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. The sessions also provide practical insights, with attendees gaining actionable knowledge that can be directly applied to their professional practice. The relaxed, cameras-on environment allows professionals from various sectors to connect, share experiences, and build their networks while engaging in innovative problem-solving. Through reflective dialogue and collaborative exploration of challenges, participants leave with fresh perspectives and new strategies to apply in their work.

What To Expect
Talk Abouts are 60-minute virtual sessions designed to provide a safe and inclusive space for professionals and practitioners to connect, share, and discuss pressing issues. During each session, a facilitator will guide the conversation based on the topics identified by participants in advance. You can expect deep, meaningful discussions that promote collective learning, reflection, and innovative problem-solving. These sessions are interactive, allowing participants to contribute their thoughts and experiences, engage in reflective dialogue, and collaborate with their peers to explore real-world challenges. Talk Abouts offer a space for both personal and professional growth, with opportunities to deepen your understanding of key issues, gain new perspectives, and leave with actionable insights to take back to your practice. To find out more information, and to register interest, please contact us.

Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA): Understanding and Supporting Children Facing Emotional Barriers to School Attendance
Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) refers to children and young people who struggle to attend school due to emotional factors, such as anxiety, leading to extended absences. This one day training explores the complexities of EBSA, offering insights into how emotional, psychological, and environmental factors contribute to school avoidance. The course is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and tools to better understand and support children facing these barriers. Drawing from neuroscience, attachment theory, and research on the impact of adversity, the training emphasises relational care and offers practical strategies for fostering safe, supportive learning environments.
Who We Work With
This training is ideal for professionals working within educational and care settings who are directly involved with children at risk of school avoidance. This includes school leaders, mental health leads, pastoral staff, educational psychologists, SENCOs, ELSAs, and support staff in both mainstream, short stay, and specialist provisions. We also work with teams from youth justice, children’s services, and multi-agency teams focused on vulnerable children and those with additional social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) needs. Our training helps professionals develop a deeper understanding of the complex causes of EBSA and offers strategies to support children and young people in returning to school successfully.

The Benefits of Emotionally Based School Avoidance
Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of EBSA, including its prevalence and the psychological and emotional factors that drive it. The training provides tools for identifying early warning signs, risk factors, and protective measures, enabling professionals to create more supportive environments for children facing emotional challenges. Participants will also learn how to apply practical, relationally-informed strategies to encourage children’s return to school, improve their engagement, and promote their emotional well-being. This training encourages a collaborative approach, ensuring that professionals can work effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team to support the child.

What To Expect
During this EBSA training, participants will explore the science behind emotions and behaviour, gaining an understanding of how overwhelming experiences can impact children’s ability to engage in education. Through case studies and reflective discussions, participants will explore practical, relationally-informed strategies to assess risk, build resilience, and provide effective support for children and young people. The training will focus on building emotional safety and providing structured guidance, helping participants create environments that encourage positive re-engagement with school. By the end of the training, attendees will have a deeper understanding of EBSA and be equipped with actionable ideas to support children’s return to education with confidence.

A Note On Virtual Events
At Summit, our preferred method of training is relational and in person, where we can build connection, shared experiences, and deeper engagement. However, we understand the convenience and flexibility that virtual training provides and are fully committed to delivering the same high-quality experience in a virtual setting. To ensure that virtual CPD is as enriching and impactful as in-person sessions, we approach these events with the same level of care and dedication.
If you are participating in our virtual training, we will provide you with guidelines to help you prepare. Protecting your time is essential: block out your diary, set boundaries with those around you, and make sure you can participate without interruptions. This is an investment in your professional growth, and it deserves your full attention.
Just as you would in person, we ask that you remain fully present, which includes keeping your cameras on. Seeing your fantastic faces encourages a sense of community, connection, and respect for one another’s time. By being fully engaged and present, you contribute to a more interactive and supportive learning environment for everyone involved.
We look forward to journeying with you, whether in person or virtually, and ensuring that your learning experience is meaningful, engaging, and enriching.